Extravagant Grace
Virginia Norman

Extravagant grace was born one night
while the earth was asleep, and a star shone bright.
Extravagant love in a humble stall
came for all who would answer His call.
Extravagant grace from angels on high
who brought the Good News in a radiant sky.
Shepherds heard the amazing story
and found the Child filled with heaven's glory
Extravagant grace came to wise men afar,
who saw the sign and followed the star.
Extravagant love in a Child born to bring
redemption and life to make our hearts sing.
Extravagant love and grace without measure,
was in the Lord Jesus, our heart's truest treasure.
Extravagant love, He's the joy of our soul
and full knowledge of Him, our far reaching goal.
Extravagant grace reaching to us today.
Helping us follow this true, living way.
As we live our lives, may we show forth this love
that came down from God in heaven above.
May our lives be rich in extravagant grace
and give God the glory, till we see His face.

In loving memory of Don Murphy
June 20, 2021

who was







Shepherds and Angels

webpage and graphics

Susan Winget